26 février au 1 mars 2013
Montréal, Canada

Conférence PHP à Montréal

PHP Phing is build tool based on Apache Ant. Get introduced to Phing by former Ant fanboy that fully turned into Phing power user and comitter recently. This session will cover the Phing basics and give you some ideas where Phing can be used to help you automate your boring and error-prone daily work tasks.
PHP Annotations allow you to alter and inject behaviour into code in the context of the element you are manipulating. But how does PHP support Annotations? This talk will introduce Annotations and the libraries available to support them. I will also show how you can create your own annotations with these solutions.
PHP You've seen some of the basics of securing your application - validating input, filtering output and the like. Let me take you a step further into more advanced security in PHP. Protecting your application from things like XML injection, insecure sessions & upload issues can be tricky. This session is a how-to on keeping your app safe.
PHP A how-to guide on identifying bottlenecks and scalability challenges within PHP applications. The session will do an in-depth coverage of the tools involved and how they can be used in real-life situations as well how to go about correctly interpreting the results and correlating them to flaws in the code and/or infrastructure.
PHP There is legacy code. And there is this shiny new architecture, that would make your life easier. Unfortunately, starting from scratch is not an option, and refactoring old code bears unpredictable risks. This session shows concepts and strategies to implement bridge technologies that close the gap between old and new code and architectures.
PHP The same question always comes when dealing with legacy code: shall we maintain or rewrite the whole application? Another solution would be to migrate the code from step to step by introducing new valuable pieces of software. This talk will explain how you can take benefit from famous Symfony2 components to empower and modernize your legacy code.
PHP Automated tests give you the secure basis to constantly evolve, improve and refactor your PHP app. But, what tests are suitable for which parts of your app? How to write code to be easily testable? And how to integrate such tests into your build process? This talk answers these questions in an overview of state of the art testing of PHP apps.
PHP Managing external packages can be very error prone and cause multiple problems when deploying and working with a team. Learn how Composer can keep all your third party dependencies under control and help you find new libraries with a simple CLI interface and a json file.
PHP Continuous integration is a big picture idea for big projects, but what if your projects and pictures aren’t big? Is continuous integration worthwhile for every day projects? Learn more about what continuous integration actually is, what tools are available to help you implement it, and how you can make it work for you, even in the small stuff.
PHP How to verify that your application still performs well, even for complex user interactions? There is a world beside Apache Bench and Siege: JMeter can be used to simulate user interaction, test complex cluster setups and even integrates into Continuous Integration environments. We show JMeter as tool to continuously monitor your performance.
PHP Dependency Inversion is an important technique of object oriented software design and one of Uncle Bob's S.O.L.I.D. principles. In this talk I'll show you what this means and how PHP dependency injection containers can help you writing testable and maintainable code.
PHP Designing interfaces is an every days job for every programmer. But it's not only a job, it's an art. Be it a brand new application OO design, a shiny new module, in infrastructure library or just a single new class: All of them need a flexible, usable and extensible API. This talk gives a round up on essential rules that you need to obey to.
PHP An introduction of eZ Publish 5 with concrete examples demonstrating the stability and performance of the platform.
PHP So you have moved your business logic out of your MVC controllers, and into domain objects. Then, the business rules change. How can we adapt business objects, while deliberately breaking backwards compatibility? What is the best way to represent business logic in PHP after all? This talk introduces some lightweight approaches.
PHP PHP 5.4 is the next up and coming version of PHP. This talk will talk about what this new PHP release brings to the table interms of new functionalities that are available, general improvements and the changes that may impact your existing code.
PHP Learn how to empower your objects in PHP with SPL! The SPL (Standard PHP Library) has existed for many years but is still one of the less understood parts of the language. We will cover some of the most useful core aspects of the SPL, features that are easy to add to your own objects, making them more powerful and flexible!
PHP Forms are everywhere and they are key elements for interacting with applications users. Unfortunately, designing forms is a very tedious task. Indeed, forms may contain complex behaviors and business logic to validate data. This talk will explain how to bring the Symfony forms and validation components into PHP applications to ease forms management
PHP En tant que développeur, vous savez que votre tâche n'est pas toujours facile. Les modèles de conception (design patterns) sont une façon d'éviter de faire des erreurs ou de résoudre des problèmes que d'autres programmeurs ont déjà vécus précédemment. Cette présentation aura pour tâche de vous en présenter quelques uns à l'aide d'exemples concrets.
PHP Neo4j is a Java-based server to manage graphs of data. Nodes and edges - thinks people and friendship relations. This session will present the libraries available in PHP to communicate with this NoSQL server along with a few general strategies to use them efficiently to create well performing applications.
PHP PHP and MySQL are the foundation of many web applications. Still many developers scratch only the surface of the provided interoperability between PHP and MySQL. In this session you will learn hidden gems and new features in these area both on PHP's and MySQL's side. Things like automatic load balancing or caching features or memcache integration.
PHP PHP extensions provide the "glue" between the PHP language and C/C++ libraries. This session will provide an intense, and fast paced introduction to writing custom extensions. Attendees should ideally know C/C++ already. Time permitting, HipHop extensions may be covered as well.
PHP HipHop is the Open Source PHP language compiler and runtime designed and used by Facebook. HipHop offers a significant speed improvement over the official PHP runtime and supports most of its core features. This session will provide an introduction to how and why to use HipHop over PHP, and the benefits it offers.
PHP PHPUnit is not difficult to set up and writing tests with it is easy. But with the the tips and tricks you will learn in this session you can leverage PHPUnit more effectively, giving you better results and increasing your productivity.
PHP NodeJS made event-driven programming mainstream. What many people do not know is that it is possible to do the same thing node does with PHP. React builds on top of the low level APIs in the PHP core to provide an easy to use interface that allows creating network daemons and more.
PHP Let's slice up the silex microframework and see how it looks like on the
inside. In this session I will dive into the source and show you how silex
ties together a bunch of Symfony2 components. The principles followed by these
components allow for great flexibility and generally apply to any software.
PHP Automated testing is an widely-adopted standard. Unfortunately there exist applications that are not testable by their design. In the first part of the session it is shown how the dynamic nature of PHP can be used to exchange dependencies. In the second part of the session an layer gets introduced which transforms code into testable fragments.
PHP During the last years the topic of software quality assurance got more attention in the PHP scene. One important part of this are software metrics, which provide you with the necessary tools to overview and measure a project to detect possible failures early. This session will explain you metrics, so that you can use them in your daily work.
PHP I launched WonderProxy in 2009 to tremendously little fanfare, I didn't even tell my mom. We've grown from 6 servers to 78 in 46 different countries. This talk will combine the story of how it's grown, honest reflections on what's gone right or wrong, explanations of the technologies involved, and database schema showing how we handle things.
PHP Being secure on the web is getting harder and harder - the attacks are happening more and more and we, as web app developers, have to respond. The session will share tips you can follow in your code to ensure that your app stays safe and some tips to help improve investigation and preventing your app from becoming the next statistic.

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