21 au 23 février, 2024
Montréal, Canada

Top 20 sessions

Architecture & Design Patterns Discussing common anti-patterns preventing your systems from achieving an efficient level of reliability.

We will introduce reliability and then delve into common technical and organizational problems and how to prevent them.
DevOpsJavaScript Feature Flags. Feature Toggles. Canaries. A/B Testing. ...
Many a talk at ConFoo and less well fed conferences will refer to using feature flags as a way to enable seamless integration into a very aggressive release schedule.

Feature Flags are an extremely simple yet powerful tool to streamline integration of complex features.

We'll cover many a known implementation strategies for feature flags so you can become an advocate too.
Architecture & Design PatternsIntelligence Artificielle In this talk, we will introduce a novel design pattern called "micro-mind-services," inspired by neural networks, which promises to revolutionize how we build applications, particularly in conjunction with AI programming assistants.

Join me to discover this potentially groundbreaking design pattern and explore how it can transform software development in the age of AI programming assistants.
Intelligence Artificielle The ascent of machine learning, especially large language models (LLMs), comes with exorbitant infrastructure costs, making it almost unfeasible for individuals to run such programs independently. Amazon, Azure, and Google Cloud dominate with over 60% market share. This concentration challenges the decentralized essence of the internet, potentially impacting innovation, quality, and freedom.
CarrièreDevOps Everything and everyone fails all of the time. Failure is always an option, it's how you respond that matters! Let's discover how failure can be an opportunity to learn and improve. Join me on a journey to know more about pain, happy little accidents, trial and error, adaptive capacity, failing safely, learning organizations, and resilience. It's time to start embracing failure!
Intelligence Artificielle Over the years, we've seen countless shifts in how applications are built. New languages and frameworks have streamlined development. Visual and no/low-code have empowered many to create apps. And now we have AI tools to develop code "for us." With these changes, where does this leave our developers? Is writing code obsolete?

Let's talk about where we are, where we're going, and how to get the most out of this new tool.
Architecture & Design PatternsTests et Qualité Les services et micro-services sont parmi nous depuis un moment déjà mais sont souvent perçus comme une solution magique à tous les problèmes. Tout n’est pas rose au pays des licornes et créer un nouveau micro-service peut être un exercice demandant. Découvrez les défis que présente de composer avec un monolithe comportant plusieurs interdépendances, du refactor de celui-ci à l’ajustement des tests en passant par les protocoles de communication.
PHPSecurité Do you know how to secure your APIs? Tokens alone are far from enough. Automated direct access to the application business logic allows whole new classes of attack vectors and vulnerabilities - data extraction, impersonation, rogue access, and more. You can deploy countermeasures like elevated access requirements, multi-factor auth, response limits, etc. Let's explore both sides of that coin to let you properly design security for your APIs.
Gestion Did it seem like software platforms used to be better in the past? That's not just nostalgia, they *were* better. Platforms were more intuitive, better suited for user-needs, less invasive of privacy, and easier to use.

In this talk we'll examine (with examples) the process of 'enshittification', a term coined by Cory Doctorow for platform decay—where services become progressively worse to maximise profit—and how to avoid it happening to you.
Architecture & Design PatternsDevOps Danger, Will Robinson! Don’t deploy on Friday! Maybe your team's or company's policy?

Join me as I share from my experience. Using examples from my work on multiple real world projects, I’ll discuss resilience and operability, deployment strategies, pipelines and continuous testing. Discover the details of trunk based development, feature toggles, pair programming and other best practices and gain the confidence to deploy any day of the week!
Architecture & Design PatternsGestion Technical debt is only visible when it's too late. The developer who did the "work" is long gone. But you're here and you're here to stay. You'll be fixing the whole damn thing even if you have to do it all yourself. In this talk we'll discuss how to take those first critical steps in reducing technical debt, how to "sell" people on it and key technical advice to keep an even footing.
Architecture & Design Patterns Clean architecture is the reference for decoupled and maintainable enterprise applications. But, it can be difficult to navigate code and to debug. Vertical Slice Architecture simplify code organization and meets the same goals. In this talk, the principals differences will be shown by looking at code samples.
RéseauxSecurité In recent years, the ways that we can deliver HTTP has improved in occasional leaps, from 1.0, 1.1, a big step to 2.0, and now 3.0. One of the biggest obstacles has been TCP, which isn't a great fit for HTTP, but we are stuck with it – or are we? QUIC is a reimagining of TCP that runs over "the other protocol", UDP, giving us yet another step up in performance and security. Discover how it works, and how you can deploy it today.
DevOps Countless hours (and days) are lost on day zero, the first day a dev wants to contribute to a new project. There's services to install, library versions to contend with, and obscure error messages to Google. Running everything locally is a terrible way to manage dev environments.

Containerize your environment to free yourself! Let's explore how to create dev containers so you, and your team, can start writing code without the headache.
Architecture & Design Patterns.NET Écrire une fois lire souvent (Write once read many). Arrêter de redécouvrir ce que vous aviez déjà imaginé. Dans cette présentation nous allons vois 5 façons efficace et peu coûteuse d’améliorer votre code. Vous devriez vous attarder à rendre votre code plus facile à lire pour éviter que les prochains perdent leur temps à le comprendre. Vous sortirez de cette session avec des conseils utiles pour accomplir cette tâche.
Architecture & Design Patterns Microservices are widely adopted, but many companies struggle to maximize their benefits. The misconception is that all parts must be deployed constantly. In reality, some require frequent updates while others remain stable.

In an upcoming talk, I'll elaborate on these insights, highlighting one can use Serverless to pragmatically design a system that allows deploying as often as you need.
Architecture & Design PatternsPHP Working with APIs? Great! Did you have to solve surprisingly similar issues in different projects? Did project complexity force you to break the established guidelines for structure, filtering, validation, or pagination? How often have your endpoints, versioning, and evolution stood the test of time? Let's talk about the real examples of solutions I implemented in various APIs. Smile at changing requirements thinking - I've got it!
CarrièreGestion Le nombre de développeurs augmente sans cesse dans le monde et le besoin est criant pour trouver gens qui peuvent guider les autres. Toutefois, comme développeur, il n'y a pas de chemin clair pour devenir Tech Lead. Si c'est un rôle qui vous intéresse, ne manquez pas la chance de découvrir ce qu'est ce rôle et les trucs pour y parvenir.
Securité Let's delve into the realm of online authentication. From traditional passwords to WebAuthn and Passkeys, we'll explore the history, security enhancements, and improved user experience.

Don't miss this insightful talk on the current state of authentication and the future of digital identity, as we examine whether passwords are on the brink of obsolescence or still have a role to play in our increasingly connected world.
JavaScriptSecurité Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is still one of the most common vulnerabilities in web applications, despite well-known and effective countermeasures. Often neglected however are XSS issues when using a Single-Page Application (SPA) framework like Angular, React, or Vue.js. We will have a look at those systems, analyze the attack surface, and look for both specific weaknesses and specific countermeasures. A must-see session if you are using SPAs.

Explorez les 171 présentations

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