7 au 9 mars, 2018
Hôtel Bonaventure

NuGet beyond Hello World

Everybody is consuming NuGet packages these days. It’s easy, right? But how can we create and share our own packages? What is .NET Standard? How should we version, create, publish and share our package? How can we use the NuGet client API to fetch data from NuGet? Can we build an application plugin system based on NuGet? What hidden gems are there in the NuGet server API? Can we create a full copy of NuGet.org? Let's explore.

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Maarten Balliauw


Maarten Balliauw loves building web and cloud apps. His main interests are in .NET web technologies, C#, Microsoft Azure and application performance. He is Developer Advocate at JetBrains, and formerly founded MyGet. Maarten is a frequent speaker at various national and international events and organizes Azure User Group events in Belgium. In his free time, he brews his own beer. Maarten’s blog can be found at https://blog.maartenballiauw.be.

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