7 au 9 mars, 2018
Hôtel Bonaventure

Java EE 8 is final! Now what?

Java EE 8 has just been released. In addition, Oracle has announced its intention to move the Java EE development to the Eclipse Foundation; a bold move supported by Red Hat and IBM.

This session will first give a technical overview of Java EE 8 and discuss enhancement s (ex. JAX-RS 2.1, Servlet 4, CDI 2, JSON-B, the new Security API). We will conclude by looking at what it means to have the Eclipse Foundation driving the platform forward.

Voir les 154 présentations

David Delabassée


David is Director of Java Developer Relations at Oracle. David is co-hosting the Inside Java Podcast. Prior to that, he was heavily involved in Java EE 8 and its transition to the Eclipse Foundation as part of the Jakarta EE initiative.

David lives in Belgium. In his spare time, he enjoys playing video games with his daughter and tinkering with technologies such as domotic, electronics, and pinballs.

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