8 au 10 mars 2017
Montréal, Canada


Foire aux questions

  1. En quoi les formations diffèrent-elles de la conférence?

    Au lieu d'un aperçu sur plusieurs sujets, vous passez 2 jours à explorer un seul sujet en détails. Toutes les formations ont une parti pratique et le ratio de formateur à participant rendent le cours très personnalisé.

  2. Est-ce que les formations sont vendues séparément?

    Oui. Il faut acheter une formation séparément.

  3. Puis-je assister à une formation et à la conférence principale?

    Oui. Elles ont lieu à des dates différentes, ce qui veut dire que vous pouvez assister aux deux.

  4. Dois-je apporter mon ordinateur portatif?

    Oui. Vérifiez la formation individuelle pour les logiciels à installer d'avance.

  5. Est ce que ces formations sont éligibles pour la loi du 1% en formation?

    Oui, 89% du prix du billet est éligible


En savoir plus S'inscrire à la formation

This is an exclusive Angular Academy session for ConFoo Montreal! The Angular Academy is a 2 day hands-on course given in-person across Canada! Your opportunity to start learning Angular now and bring your web developments to the next level!

This technical course covers all the core concepts and guides you to build end-to-end Angular applications, including the role of ES6/TypeScript, project setup, code structure, style guide, using the Angular CLI, data binding and MV*, abstracted remote data calls through services, observables, and routing. This bootcamp is the ideal starting point to understand and use Angular effectively now. You’ll experience several demos and "code along" activities and be provided with the code throughout the workshop, as you learn how to build apps using Angular.

Bring your laptop! An important part of the training is dedicated to building apps together and testing things in real time (bootcamp style).


En savoir plus S'inscrire à la formation

HTML and CSS are the web's basic building blocks. In mastering these two languages, developers will take their first steps in the incredibly dynamic field of front-end software development.

This hands-on course will cover HTML5 and CSS by having participants integrate an actual design. Participants will learn the fundamentals then quickly move on to using HTML's semantic elements to structure content and CSS to style them. They'll learn about CSS' good and bad parts, the flex-box model for layout and animations. Finally, participants will get to apply responsive design techniques, learn about progressive enhancement and work with CSS frameworks.

By the end of this 2-day course, participants will have a solid understanding of HTML's and CSS' core concepts and will be able to create, structure and style web pages.

Montréal 2017 sponsored by