December 5-7, 2016
Vancouver, Canada

Top 20 sessions

HTML & CSS CSS Layout in 2016 is a mess of hacked together methods using techniques that were never designed for complex web and application layout. However change is in the air, brought to us by specifications such as CSS Grid Layout, Flexbox, and the Box Alignment Module. In this session Rachel will introduce these specifications, explaining how they fit together to create a new system for layout.
Management The Four Pillars of Management will cover Time, Budgeting, People and Stress. For Time, we will switch the paradigm from worrying about having enough of it to assessing our daily habits. Budgeting will cover the latest techniques to ensure actual results are not a surprise. People will include the latest hot topics for management. Stress is either Eustress (positive) or Distress (negative); let's focus on the former and fuel our successes!
HTML & CSSJavaScript The modern web browser is a powerful and flexible platform that is far more capable that you might think. Many advanced features can get lost in the gap between front-end and back-end development skill sets. Find out about the HTML5 APIs you've never heard of, from audio to video to physical sensors, and interaction methods for mobile users. Learn where they are supported and how you can start work with these APIs in your next project!
Security Building a modern API architecture is a constant struggle between ease of development and security. JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) introduce a means of building authentication into JSON objects being transmitted through APIs.

In this session we’ll explore how JWTs work to build verifiable and trusted objects, allowing them to be combined with standards such as OAuth 2 for capturing access tokens, leading to a secure means of JavaScript SDK dev.
Management You can be the greatest designer, developer, or content author in the world – and it doesn’t mean anything if you can’t deliver on projects. In this talk, you’ll learn what we learned from our shop's candid and honest failures. That includes learning how to set projects up for success; how to handle scope creep; best practices for communication; how to stay on budget; how to launch properly; and how to maintain the relationship afterwards.
HTML & CSSPerformance Paint? Layout? Composite? Browser Workload? How the browser interprets CSS can get very complicated. Strategic CSS and specificity make a difference. We all just want fast websites and beautiful code, but learning about these topics can be daunting for a beginner. This session will present these ideas in a friendly, simple way, as well as explore the different ways of monitoring performance with Chrome Devtools. Get the best from your CSS!
Quality assurance We all make mistakes. As much as we try to write flawless code, every now and then an error slips through. In order to reduce the number of mistakes, we perform code reviews to ensure the code meets certain standards and to see if the feature was properly implemented. But how do you do a good code review? How do you handle technical discussions? How do you keep your reviews focused and your discussions relevant? Attend the talk and learn the answers.
HTML & CSS Building linear layouts in CSS has been hard. Tables are bad, inline-block has quirks, and floats are insufficient. Thankfully CSS Flexbox enables us to solve our layout problems elegantly . While the specification has been around for over four years, increased browser support has finally pushed Flexbox mainstream. Let’s deep dive into Flexbox: what it is, why you should use it, how it’s configured, and where it’s most useful.
HTML & CSSPerformance Today we have CSS specifications for animation and transitions, complex layout, custom properties and much more. In addition to the breadth of modern CSS specifications, our evergreen, auto-updating browsers sneak in new features with every release.

In this talk, I’ll be taking a look at some of the things that CSS is capable of, some of which you might think you need a JavaScript framework or at least a pre-processor to achieve.
Node.js Most people think Capital One is solely a bank. In reality, we are a technology company, and we often use open source. When it comes to Node.js, Capital One has many uses of the platform. In this talk, you’ll learn how Capital One uses Node.js, as well as some of the hurdles of being in a heavily regulated industry like finance.
Architecture & design patternsDatabases Applying principles from Domain-Driven Design such as strategic design and bounded contexts, this presentation will help you choose and apply the right data layer for your application's model or models. We will explore traditional relational databases, graph databases, document databases, key/value stores, polyglot persistence, CQRS, event sourcing, and data layers for microservices.
Humans. As a species, we suck. The only real evolutionary advantage we have is our brains, and by using them we've become the dominant species on the planet. Our brains are superbly adapted for our survival and success in the environment in which they evolved... the African savanna 200,000 years ago. Join us in a tour of some of the most amusing bugs and exploits wetware has to offer.
Career Mental health issues are often overlooked or stigmatized. I'll go over my own personal experience with mental health, depression and anxiety. How to overcome the Imposter Syndrome and tips and tricks for working from home.
Architecture & design patternsJava & JVM languages Let's examine the ups & downs of adopting a microservices architecture and why, in most cases, the pros outweigh the cons. The presenter will demonstrate how to build & integrate microservices using popular open source tools. We’ll discuss and learn risks & mitigation strategies, including load balancers, circuit breakers, tests, & other mechanisms at your disposal to increase software quality.
JavaScript Did you know that your web browser has a full suite of built-in JavaScript debugging tools? With the developer tools in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari, you can debug JavaScript on the fly with breakpoints, watch expressions, an interactive REPL with autocomplete, and much more. Learn how to troubleshoot bugs and memory leaks like a pro, armed with the same web browser you already use everyday - no extra plugins or downloads required.
Security To protect our users and provide reliable, useful services, we need developers, engineers, SREs, information security, and the business savvy to all pull together. Rather than rely on onerous and (seemingly) abstract security recommendations, we need to understand what we're up against: who is attacking us? What are their motives, their capabilities? Let's threat model! Learn how to assess what defenses are meaningful and which are a waste of time.
Architecture & design patterns.NET No one ever wants to write another REST API client. AutoRest ( + OpenAPI ( specifications (Swagger) can make this a reality. Join me as we talk about API specifications, REST API patterns, and how you can combine the two to create an opinionated code generator to create beautiful REST API clients. We'll generate code for C#, Java, JavaScript, Ruby, Python and Golang.
Whether you're building a backend or a frontend application, creating an API or consuming one, it’s helpful to understand the basics of HTTP. Topics covered will include HTTP methods, request headers, request URIs, response status codes, response headers, resource representations, authentication, content negotiation, and caching. Examples will be provided using an HTTP REPL (read–eval–print loop) client and an Apache CouchDB server.
Management Everyone wants to have happier and more productive teams. We all know the benefits of loving what you do, so why does it seem so hard to have happy teams? In this talk I share my experience of cultivating happier teams that are empowered and enthusiastic to solve the problems they are tasked with. We will discuss the importance of autonomy, team norms, mission statements and other important factors in building awesome teams.
Databases Very few developers receive training in Structured Query Language (SQL), but they are expected to have highly efficient database queries. Add in bad data normalization and lightning quick applications suddenly crawl. This session is a must for new developers who do not want to suffer hours of extra effort working with their data. We will cover how to avoid situations like the N+1 Problem, primary key violations, improper relationships, and more.

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