Ben Yoskovitz discusses his most recent startup experience, founding and selling Standout Jobs. The company started in 2007 and raised $1.8 million in venture and angel capital. The company was sold in 2010 (although it was not a financial success story.)
Ben discusses his 3 years at Standout Jobs, along with past experience and more recent experience founding Year One Labs, an early stage seed accelerator that helps startups get started in the first critical year of existence.
During the talk, Ben will give the audience an inside look into the roller coaster ride of startups. Topics covered include: fundraising, hiring, product/market fit, product management, board management, marketing, and more.
Although a great deal of Ben's experience was challenging, his goal is to encourage people (technical people especially!) to start companies. It's essential that more engineers and programmers launch startups. Consider this presentation a motivational speech (based in reality)!