10 au 12 mars, 2010
Montréal, Canada

PHP Oracle Best Practices

In this technical session, you will learn how to take advantage of the performance and scalability mechanisms of the Oracle PHP driver, and the Oracle database including the Database Resident Connection Pool (DRCP),
reducing roundtrips with stored procedures, scaling queries with cube-organized materialized view.

The fastest database access is no database access. This talk also shows how effective database caching strategies can be implemented using Oracle's caching mechanisms including Continuous Query Notification and middle-tier cache invalidation, client query result cache and in-memory database cache.

Voir les 132 présentations

Kuassi Mensah

Oracle Corporation

Kuassi is Director of Product Management at Oracle.
Products under his watch include Database Access frameworks (Net Services, DRCP), Database APIs (JDBC, PHP, Ruby, Python, Perl) and Java in the database.
Mr Mensah holds a MS and post graduate in Computer Sciences from the Programming Institute of University of Paris VI. He is a frequent speaker at IT events and has published several articles and a book http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1555583296
Blog http://db360.blogspot.com

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