24 au 26 février 2016
Montréal, Canada

SignalR - Can a real-time library for .NET be more awesome?

Developers now have a great, open source library for implementing real time communication solutions. SignalR is a cool, real-time library that simplifies and abstracts all the complexities and can be used across web, mobile and desktop applications. Join Christos Matskas as he shows you how to get started with SignalR and leverage this amazing, community-driven library to provide real-time experiences for your users.

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Christos Matskas


Christos Matskas has been working as a software developer for the last 11 years. He is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO of SoftwareLounge, a software consultancy firm. His portfolio includes collaborations with some great companies such as MarkIT, Lockheed Martin, Barclays and City. He is a passionate and enthusiastic speaker and he blogs regularly at https://cmatskas.com about software, technology, books and life. Christos is an Open-Source contributor and advocate.

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