18 au 20 février 2015
Montréal, Canada

Confessions of a Remote Worker

More and more companies are realizing that there can be great benefits in allow knowledge workers to telecommute - and developers are dancing in the streets. But what are they actually doing at home? Do they put on pants? Are they working their required 8 hours each day? Are they actually at their desk when you have a conference call? We'll chat about why these are the wrong questions to ask and what to expect both as a remote worker and manager.

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Jordan Kasper

Shortly after it arrived at his home in 1993, Jordan began taking apart his first computer. He moved quickly from hardware into programming and his experience includes development and instruction at startups, agencies, Fortune 100 companies, and universities, as well as numerous open source projects. He speaks regularly at local user groups and conferences. Jordan's primary mission for over 10 years has been to evangelize technology of all sorts and share what he has learned to help others grow.

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