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- Montréal 2015
- Sessions
You've decided to level up your Git skills and have heard that rebasing is where it's at. In this session we'll talk about: WHY rebasing can make it easier to untangle your project's history; WHEN you should use rebase; WHAT rebasing actually does to your repository; and HOW it actually looks when things go right (and how to recover when things go wrong).
Voir les 141 présentations
Emma Jane Hogbin Westby
Trillium Consultancy Ltd.
Emma Jane has been working as a web developer since 1996, and has been participating in FOSS communities for over a decade. She’s authored two books on Drupal, and is working on a third book "Git for Teams". She is well-known in the Drupal community for her Drupal socks and their GPLed pattern. In her spare time Emma Jane crafts, keeps bees, and likes to drink Scotch. You can follow her on Twitter @emmajanehw.
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