- Accueil
- Montréal 2014
- Sessions
While embarking on a year long project to deploy SSL to 100% of Twitter users, our team worked through many challenges and performance issues.
In this talk, I'll discuss those challenges and issues involved deploying SSL to 200 million+ users.
I will also discuss the current risks facing administrations (NSA/Prism, Key management, CRIME, BEAST, and BREACH) when implementing SSL at any scale, and mitigations (HSTS, cipher selection,etc.).
Voir les 146 présentations
John Adams
John Adams (Twitter Operations) has worked in computer security, operations, and systems engineering for over 16 years. Prior to Twitter, he has worked at Apple, Inktomi, c|net, and a major video-on-demand site, improving security, performance, and reliability at large scale.
He currently leads the security team at Twitter, and is a strong advocate of user privacy, security, and always-on encryption.
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