29 février au 2 mars 2012
Montréal, Canada

Symfony2 by code

This sessions is essentially a tour through real life Symfony2 code. No bullet points, only code. During the talk the general architecture and philosophy of Symfony2 will be illustrated. Key design concepts will be shown with practical examples and popular so called "Bundles" that extend the functionality of Symfony2 will be introduced. The audience is encouraged to checkout and setup the code beforehand: https://github.com/lsmith77/symfony-standard/tree/techtalk

Voir les 161 présentations

Lukas Kahwe Smith

Liip AG

Lukas spends most of his time playing with Symfony2 as well as pushing the PHPCR ecosystem and dabbeling in database technology in general. He also maintains several Symfony2 bundles. In the past he has co-managed the PHP 5.3 release, created the PEAR Group and developed several popular PEAR packages. When not coding he is busy beating up his body playing ultimate frisbee.

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