29 février au 2 mars 2012
Montréal, Canada

Dependency Management with Composer

Composer is a new PHP dependency manager. It resolves and downloads the packages your project requires.

In this session you will learn how to use Composer to easily manage the libraries and other packages you use. We will go through the basics of dependency management and then move on towards publishing your own packages, be it open source ones or closed company code that is used by multiple projects.

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Jordi Boggiano

Packagist Conductors

Jordi Boggiano is the author of a few open source apps/libs (Composer, Monolog, php-console, ..), and co-founder of Private Packagist (https://packagist.com). He has been involved in web development for over 10 years, working mostly with PHP and JavaScript. He is currently maintaining Composer/Packagist while working on Private Packagist and Teamup.com. Find out more at https://seld.be/about

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