March 7-9, 2018
Montreal, Canada

Fn Project, an open source Java friendly serverless platform

Serverless computing and FaaS are disrupting the still-evolving world of
cloud computing as they radically change how software is organized,
deployed and charged. This session will introduce Fn Project, an Open-Source project which features a code-first approach to building polyglot sophisticated FaaS based applications. We will also discuss Fn Flow, a CompletionStage like API, used to compose multiple functions into applications.

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David Delabassée


David is Director of Java Developer Relations at Oracle. David is co-hosting the Inside Java Podcast. Prior to that, he was heavily involved in Java EE 8 and its transition to the Eclipse Foundation as part of the Jakarta EE initiative.

David lives in Belgium. In his spare time, he enjoys playing video games with his daughter and tinkering with technologies such as domotic, electronics, and pinballs.

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