March 10-12, 2010
Montreal, Canada

Asynchronous Web application with Atmosphere

Atmosphere is a high-level API designed to make it easier to build Comet-based Web applications that include a mix of Comet and RESTful behavior. Today writing portable Web applications that can use the power of the Comet technique is almost impossible: Tomcat, Jetty, and Grizzly/GlassFish application server all have their own set of private APIs.

Atmosphere leverages and builds on Project Jersey and the Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS). Jersey is the open resource reference implementation of JAX-RS that makes it easier to build RESTful Web services. Atmosphere and Jersey complement each other, with the goal of making it easier to build Comet-based Web applications that include a mix of Comet and RESTful behavior.

This session briefly explains what Comet is and demonstrates the power of Atmosphere by building multiple applications, starting with a simple chat, then building a REST Twitter-like application, and many more

View all 132 sessions

Jean Francois Arcand


Jeanfrancois works for Sonatype. He is the creator of Project Grizzly, a NIO framework which enables quick and easy development of network applications, on which the GlassFish application server built on top of. He is also the creator of Atmosphere, a framework for creating Ajax Push/Comet web application.

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