February 23-25, 2022
Online, Timezone GMT-5

Responsive Web Apps for the busy developer

It’s Tuesday and another device came out with entirely different aspect ratio & resolution specs. Is your app going to work on this new device? If not, how much will you need to do in order to get your app to behave on this new platform? Responsive Web Apps (RWA) adapt to screen ratios so users can use the devices they like, without you having to specifically code for each. In this talk, I’ll teach you the principles of RWA & how to build them.

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Simon MacDonald


Simon MacDonald has 20 years of development experience and has worked on a variety of projects including object oriented databases, police communication systems, speech recognition, unified messaging and mobile development. His current focus is convincing folks “you aren’t going to need it” when it comes to building web applications as the Head of Developer Experience at Begin.

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